
Episodio 2.10 - The Sacrifice

Episodio 10 "The Sacrifice"

Stefan, Bonnie & Damon
Elena: I don't question why everyone tries so hard to save me. You shouldn't question why I try so hard to save everyone else.

Damon: If I had a dollar for every time some evil vampire surprised me

Jeremy: I don't need an escort to my room.
Bonnie: Between here and upstairs, you may do something stupid.

Damon: I killed you. You were dead.
Elijah: For centuries now.

Caroline [to Tyler]: I don't want you to be alone.

Caroline: There's a reason it's called a curse, Tyler.

Damon: Get your ass out the door before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you out myself.

Elena: I don't want to be saved. Not if it means Klaus is gonna kill every person I love.

Rose: You know that she isn't going anywhere near my blood, right?
Elena: I know that. She doesn't.

Bonnie: I'll be fine.
Jeremy: You could get hurt.
Bonnie: And Elena could die.

Damon: It's a plan. Is it perfect? What plan is?

Damon: I'd rather poke my eyes out.
Katherine: They're such pretty eyes.

Alaric: Well, I'm naked. So... I'm gonna go.

Elena: Sound like you guys already have it all planned out.
Damon: Yup, we're awesome!